2nd Peace as a Global Language Conference Proceedings & Supplement

Manufacturing dissent: Constructive engagement in the classroom

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix A:
Expressions to use when stating or responding to opinions

How to have a good argument!

Phrases to use when expressing opinions & preferences . . .
I think . . .
In my opinion . . .
I'd like to . . .
I'd rather . . .
I'd prefer . . .
The way I see it . . .
As far as I'm concerned . . .
If it were up to me . . .
I suppose . . .
I suspect that . . .
I suggest that . . .
I'm pretty sure that . . .
It is fairly certain that . . .
I'm convinced that . . .
I honestly feel that . . .
I strongly believe that . . .
Without a doubt . . .
As I see it . . .
I feel that . . .
In my opinion . . .
I propose that . . .
I suggest that . . .
Phrases to use when agreeing . . .
I agree.
You could have a point there.
You're so right.
That's true.
I agree with what you said.
I agree with you 100%.
I couldn't agree more.
I think so.
You're right about that.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Spot on.
No arguing about that.
Giving reasons and offering explanations . . .
To start with . . .
That's why . . .
That's the reason why . . .
Considering . . .
When you consider that . . .
The reason why . . .
For this reason . . .
Many people think . . .
Allowing for the fact that . . .
One reason for this is . . .
Asking for clarification . . .
I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Could you clarify that for me?
Excuse me, could you explain yourself more fully?
Sorry - you've lost me. Can you rephrase that?
Phrases to use when disagreeing . . .
Yes, but* . . .
I don't think that . . .
I don't agree . . .
I'd prefer to say . . .
Shouldn't we consider . . .
I'm afraid I don't agree . . .
Let's face it, . . .
That's fair enough, but . . .
Well I feel that . . .
Don't you think it would be better . . .
I'm afraid that I don't agree . . .
I'm not sure . . .
But what about. . .?
Frankly, I doubt if . . .
The truth of the matter is . . .
Yeah, that may be true, but . . .
The problem with your point of view is that . . .
Well, I don't necessarily agree with that . . .
Hmmm. I see it somewhat differently . . .
Your view is a bit different than mine. You think . . . - but I believe . . .
Well, I understand what you are saying, but . . .
Do you really think so? I think we should consider other possibilities. For example, . . .

* When you use a "Yes, but. . ." format you are not stating disagreement, but you are stating your own, different view.

[ p. 30 ]

Appendix B: Sample Statement Strips

Instructions: Print on A3-size paper, cut each statement strip, and attach to the classroom walls.

Smoking should only be allowed in private, never in public places.
Smoking should be allowed in restaurants and bars.
Smoking should be made completely illegal.
The minimum age for smoking should be raised from 20 to 30.
I have the right to smoke anywhere that I want if I choose.
Smoking damages the health of non-smokers.
Smoking damages the environment.
Smoking is cool.
There should be higher taxes on cigarettes to pay for the extra healthcare costs.
Smoking has no effect on the environment.
I wouldn't like to kiss a smoker.
I would only marry a non-smoker.
Advertising only encourages existing smokers to change brands. All companies should be allowed to advertise their products - it's free speech.
Cigarette taxes help the government make money (the Hashimoto defence).
Special taxes on cigarettes are unfair. There should be no special taxes on cigarettes.
Most cigarette advertising is really aimed at children. Cigarette advertising should be banned
It is dangerous to smoke when there are children around.
Alcohol is as bad as smoking. If you ban smoking, you should ban alcohol too.

Appendix C: Student agree/disagree response sheet

Instructions: Write the number of each statement you agree with on the left side of this paper,
and those you disagree with on the left.



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