Dear President George Bush,
I am writing to express my opinions about war with Iraq. I think that you, the U.S. should not attack Iraq.
I think you seem to want to make war against Iraq. Misery and sorrow follow war. Going to war is a last resource of diplomatic solution.
This is not the right time to decide to make war. There must be some other peaceful means left. Or, do you think that war is the best way
to solve the problems? War is atrocious, barbarous and bloodthirsty. A lot of women, children, and old people who are innocent will be
killed and injured by you, the U.S. You will hurt many people. Nevertheless, are you going to attack Iraq? If you were to win the war,
and Iraq should obey the U.S., there should be nothing good. War can't leave nothing good, but many deep scars on people all over the world.
So, please stop going to war against Iraq. Please wish all people's peace.
Yui Kurosaki