An Investigation of Method Effects on Reading Comprehension Test Performance

Appendix 1:

Starting Points for Deletion of Cloze Tests (from Kobayashi 1995: 436)
The following tables are examples of the results of one of the cloze test analyses. They show the ratio of content/function words in the 25 cloze items and further details about content word items, i.e. the number of content word items which appear elsewhere in the text and the number of content word items which appear only once in the text when the starting point for deletion changes from the 15th to 27th word from the beginning of the text. On the basis of this analysis, the starting point for deletion was chosen for each text so that the eight texts were as comparable as possible in the nature of cloze items. The starting point chosen is marked with '*'.

Text 1
Starting Point Function Words Content Words Repeated Content Words Once only
15th word 10 10 9 6
16th word 7 8 11 7
17th word 15 10 8 2
*18th word 12 13 7 6
19th word 9 16 13 3
20th word 14 11 7 4
21st word 15 10 7 3
22nd word 13 12 5 7
23rd word 13 12 7 5
24th word 10 15 7 8
25th word 14 11 7 4
26th word 12 13 7 6
27th word 7 18 10 8

Text 2
Starting Point Function Words Content Words RepeatedContent Words Once only
15th word 10 15 6 9
16th word 10 15 10 5
17th word 15 10 8 2
18th word 15 10 5 5
19th word 10 15 9 6
20th word 11 14 9 5
21st word 16 9 7 2
22nd word 14 11 7 4
23rd word 11 14 9 5
*24th word 13 12 7 5
25th word 13 12 7 5
26th word 17 8 5 3
27th word 11 14 8 6

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