2003 JALT Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings

An investigation of interpersonal semantic stability
by H.P.L. Molloy

Appendix 2: Phase II data-collection instrument
Advice situations rating sheet

This paper is for studying advice later in a class we will have later. The information will be used for two purposes:

1. It will be used to find the most useful situations to study in our class.
2. It will be used in my research, which means that the results of this survey may be published in a research magazine or talked about in a researchers' meeting.

I am not asking for your name here, but for your privacy, if you do not want your answers to be included in research, you can tell me so by checking one of the boxes below.

_____ Yes, it is OK to use my answers for research. _____ No, please do not use my answers for research.


Instructions: Below are some situations in which people ask for advice. Please read the situations and check how realistic you think they are. For example, if you the situation seems like one that has happened to you or that might happen to you, check "very realistic." If it seems strange or unusual, check "very unrealistic."

Yesterday an American graduate student who's going to shoot a film in Tokyo asked me to tell him how he can let as many people as possible know about the film because he wanted many people to come to the audition. I've helped him as a crew member of the film for more than one month.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

One day, a friend of mine told me that she went to see a movie with a guy at her university. Because they went out alone together, the guy somehow got the wrong idea and start to behave as though they were lovers, but she doesn't have any special feelings for him. She just went out with him as a friend. She wants to know how can she do to make him understand.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

My best friend asked me how to convince her parents to permit her to live alone. It takes 2 hours to go to her university. She is very tired from the hard commute and she wants to live alone near her university. But living alone costs her parents too much money and her father retired last year. "Could you tell me how to convince my parents? Or should I give up?"

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

I belonged to a swimming club in my high school days. One day, the leader of the club, who is my best friend, said "I want to quit the club because I have trouble with the coach. What do you think about it? Give me a piece of advice."

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

The person who asked me for advice was a friend of mine. We're on the same volleyball team (of P.E. class). He said that he didn't feel like studying. And he asked me for advice how to concentrate on studying.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

The other day, my closest friend asked me to advise her about what to do about her problem. About two months ago, she broke up her boyfriend. But last week her ex-boyfriend asked her to go on a trip in the summer vacation. They still like each other.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

The other day, one of my friends asked me for advice. She and I belonged to the same clubÑchorus club. She is a year younger than me and now a student preparing for the entrance examination. Therefore she asked me to tell her how to study English. She was very nervous and wanted to know what to do in order to pass the exam.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

Last week, a junior of my high school's tennis club team, a close friend of mine, called me. He had a worry about his coming entrance examination. And he hesitated what to do firstly and asked me how to study. "I've lost confidence in my ability. Please tell me what should I do."

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

The other day, I went back my home town in Tochigi, for the first time in a month. When I was in my house, a friend of mine called me. She wanted me to meet her. So we decided to meet at the coffee shop near the station. Nowadays, she has a boyfriend, and she asked me about their date. She asked, "Where should we go for a date? And what should we do while on our date?"

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

The other day, one of my friends called on me. He told me that his friend, who was a runaway, had called on him and asked to stay at his home for three or four days. My friend at first agreed, but he disliked the situation. He wanted to drive away his friend or wanted him to go back his real house. He said to me "What should I do?"

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

She is a friend of mine. She was going to buy a one-piece dress. She couldn't decide which color dress she should buy. So, she asked me, "Which is better, black or navy blue?" He hair is a bright brown color. She is 160 cm tall. She is shapely.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

I am working on the side as a tutor. The other day my student's mother asked me how she could inspire her child to study.

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

A friend of mine, K, is living in Tokyo. Last Sunday, K asked advice by E-mail. "My mother has a disease and has gone into the hospital, so I have to go back to Fukushima. (K's father died 10 years ago.) To make matters worse, I have some tests at my university tomorrow. They're pretty important for me. I can't miss them. It takes 10 hours to go back to Fukushima and come back to Tokyo, however short it takes. Do you have any idea how to pass the examination? I had little time to study for them."

Very unrealistic / Unrealistic / Average / Realistic /Very realistic

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