Teacher development and assessment literacy

Appendix C:

Assessment Literacy Test for High School Foreign Language Teachers

(Ver. 1 - November 7, 2006)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Test Interpretation
Part 4:
Assessment Ethics

PART II. Terminology

(A) Matching exercise

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the statistical symbols on the left (1-9) with the corresponding terms on the right (A-I). One item has already been completed as an example.
(1) Ho _5_ (A) (1) significance level
(2) the proportion of responses to an item that are correct
(2) k ___ (B) sample variance
(3) N ___ (C) null hypothesis
(4) n ___ (D) number of cases in a population
(5) r ___ (E) number of cases in a sample
(6) V, SD, Sx ___ (F) number of items in a test
(7) χ2, c2 ___ (G) sample mean
(8) , M ___ (H) standard deviation
(9) ν ___ (I) frequency
___ (J) chi square

(B) Multiple choice questions

INSTRUCTIONS: Select the best response (A-E) for the items below.
Note that some items have more than one "correct" possible response.

10. Gender, occupation, or nationality are considered variables in most language studies.

11. Likert scale information about how much students liked a given task is a variable.

12. Exams used to determine a student's progress toward mastery of a content area are known as tests.

13. The cutoff point for a criteria-reference test should be when the is
equal to or greater than 1.

14. How many standard deviations a score is from the mean is revealed by a test's .

15. To find out how well a particular item in a test correlates with the total test score,
a should be ascertained.

16. To predict how many more items need to be added to a given test to increase its reliability
to a desired value, the should be calculated.

(C) Open questions

17. The probability of a student choosing a correct answer to a question on test is measured by the .

18. If you want to see how closely "masters" who scored high on a particular CRT test differed from
"non-masters" who scored closer the bottom, which technique(s) should you use?

19. If a test only seems to measure what it claims to, then it is said to have validity.

20. If you subtract "1" from the variance of a sample, the will be obtained.


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