JALT Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings

Title Index

A - C

Advice giving and personality traits of Japanese university students: A pilot study
Annotated cloze: A viable alternative to verbal reports in data-elicitation?
Application of a many-faceted Rasch model to writing test analysis, An
Appreciation strategies of German and Japanese native speakers and German learners of Japanese
Approach to the validation of judgments in language testing, An
Assessing extensive reading through written responses and comprehension tests
Assessing speaking in junior high school: Issues for a senior high school entrance examination
Authentic communication: Whyzit importan' ta teach reduced forms?
Bringing religion and worldviews into a college EFL curriculum: Some personal insights
Caring for teachers in uncaring schools
Change-of-state token a in Japanese language proficiency interviews, The
Classroom management and diversity: A panel discussion reflection
Collaborative wisdom of student voice, The
Communicative assessment in a personal curriculum at Kanda University of International Studies
Comparison of holistic and analytic scoring methods in the assessment of writing, A
Correlations between Japanese high school students' language learning beliefs, self-reported . . .
Correlation between STEP BULATS speaking and TOEIC scores
Correlation between STEP BULATS writing and TOEIC scores
Criterion-referenced test administration designs and analyses
Curriculum Change and Streaming in the Department of English at Kyoto Sangyo University

D - H

Defining "Communicative"
Developing an EAP test for undergraduates at a national university in Malaysia: Meeting the challenges
Developing fluency through questioning strategies
Developmental reform stages in the Japanese national university curriculum
Discovering the magic of Harry Potter: Adapting the Drama Method in an EFL Class for upper grade primary students
Effective writing instruction: From Japanese danraku to English paragraphs
EFL curriculum reform in Thailand
Emancipatory student higher learning: The role of autonomy, authenticity, and criticality
English language entrance examinations: A progress report
Ethnographic research: Children's socializing processes
Evaluation of change: The role of evaluation in the curriculum renewal process, The
Evaluation system for communicative learning activities, An
Evidence-based education: Benefits and challenges
Examination of situational sensitivity in medium-scale interlanguage pragmatics research, An
Expanding opportunities through English drama
Focused tasks to proceduralize TOEIC® learning strategies
Genderlects in Film: Representations of gender in an American movie screenplay
Gender variation in explicitness of proffering compliments
How C-tests work
How entrance examination scores can inform more than just admission decisions

I - M

Improving test performance through a language test evaluation cycle
Incorporating art into language education
Infinite Possibilities of Scrapbooks, The
Interface between interlanguage pragmatics and assessment, The
Investigating student patterns on a multiple-choice grammar and reading proficiency test
Investigation of method effects on reading comprehension test performance, An
Is appropriate appropriate? An investigation of interpersonal semantic stability
Japanese high school students' emotional ratings of the four skills:
A first step towards strength-based education

Japanese high school students' L2 reading motivation
Keisen University's Center for English Education and Research
Learners to Teacher: Portfolios, please! Perceptions of portfolio assessment in EFL classrooms
Learning more than English as a foreign language: Are textbook designs fit for OLE classrooms?
MEXT-authorized English textbooks: Designing a junior high school text series
MEXT-authorized English textbooks: The writing and screening of a Japanese high school text series

N - R

Oral proficiency assessment: Dialogue test and multilogue test
Preferred complaint strategies in Japanese and English
Promoting fluency in EFL classrooms
Rasch & quality control: Controlling data, forgetting quality?
Rasch-based analysis of an in-house English placement test, A
Rasch-based evaluation of the presence of item bias in a placement examination designed for an EFL reading program, A
Response to Rasch & quality control: Controlling data, forgetting quality?
Role of the passive participator: Investigating "silent" group members, The
Role of the TOEIC® in a major Japanese company, The

S - Z

Scaffolding the academic writing process: A focus on developing ideas
Socio-cultural motivations for study abroad amongst a group of Japanese students in the UK
So what are we listening for? A comparison of the English listening constructs . . . .
Strawberry picking in Japan: Management, leadership, and change in a national university
Systematic approach to writing EFL self-study books for engineers, A
Teaching autonomy: Exploring the paradox
Teacher development and assessment literacy
Testing communicative competence using mobile phone digital photos
Themes to content: Curriculum innovation at Ritsumeikan University
Tokai University's Foreign Language Center
Toward dynamic intercultural pragmatics for English as an International Language
Transcription approaches to multilingual discourse analysis
Triangulating perceptions of learners' needs: An alternate way of conducting needs analysis
Using the 'poster session' format in L2 contexts
Video and learner enthusiasm: Stimulating personal interest as the first step toward autonomy
Vygotskyan concepts for teacher education
What is Authenticity?

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Annual Indices: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009