An examination of situational sensitivity
in medium-scale interlanguage pragmatics research

Appendix 3: The twelve complaint study prompts

English Japanese
The automatically lockable door of your apartment is out of order, and you have been waiting outside the door for three hours. This is because the caretaker who is supposed to be inside is not there. Getting very angry, you say to the caretaker when he comes back:


A bill has been sent from a telephone company, and they are asking you to pay the fee at a convenience shop. At this point, however, you had already gone through the formalities to have the fee charged directly to your bank account. You are only a little angry, but you are going to call the phone company to make a complaint:


You live in an apartment. Whenever you play a CD, you hear your next-door neighbor singing to the music. You are very angry and say to the neighbor:


Your mother made soup, but it was too salty. You are very angry and say to your mother:


Your friend asked to go to class together, so you decided to meet at the station everyday. But your friend is always late, so you are late for class everyday. You are a little angry and say to your friend:


You live alone. When your younger brother visits you, he smokes. You don't like the smoke. You are angry and say to your younger brother:


Your friend who visits you at your apartment opens your closet without asking you. You have something you don't want to show in the closet. You are a little angry and say to your friend:


Your neighbor lets the cat use your yard as a toilet. The entire yard is being used as a toilet. You cannot even open your window because of the odor. You are angry, and you speak to your neighbor:


Your father asked you what you wanted for your birthday, and you said you wanted a MD player. Then he started to say: "No, that's too expensive. You cannot have a present worth more than 3000 yen." You are very angry and you say to your father:


Last month, you lost a piece of paper on which the password necessary for using the school computer was written down. You asked the office to give you a new password, but it hasn't been sent to you yet-although two weeks, the time you were told to wait, have already past. You are only a little angry, but you make a complaint:


Your younger sister has set the air-conditioner on high, and so you feel very cold. You are angry so you say to your sister:


You bought a new bike. The bike got broken two days after you bought it. You are angry and say to the bike shop clerk:


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