So what are we listening for? A comparison of the English listening constructs
in the Japanese National Centre Test and TOEFL® iBT

Appendix B: Raw data and descriptive statistics
for the 2006 J-NCT examinees used in this study

Appendix B Raw Data

Table adapted from Henning (1987)
NOTE: "1" indicates a correct response and "O" an incorrect response.
*Items should be rejected if the proportion correct is < .33 or p> .67 (Henning, 1987 citing Tuckman, 1978)

[ p. 88 ]

Item Number Sum for
High Group
Sum for
Low Group
1 13 3 .81
2 14 14 .50
3 14 13 .51
4 14 8 .64
5 14 11 .56
6 14 7 .67
7 14 6 .68
8 14 5 .73
9 14 4 .73
10 14 8 .61
11 12 1 .92
12 14 13 .51
13 7 6 .54
14 11 5 .69
15 12 10 .55
16 14 9 .60
17 14 12 .54
18 14 11 .56
19 14 9 .60
20 14 9 .60
21 13 0 1.0
22 12 6 .67
23 11 3 .79
24 13 9 .59
25 10 1 .90

Discrimination indices for the 2006 English Listening Section of the
Japanese National Centre Test when administered to a group of 51 high school students

NOTE: The upper and lower 28% of the total group was used in this study, as recommended by Henning (1987).

According to the discriminability continuum, the acceptable range starts 2/3 of the way along.
Hence if the discrimination index is below .67, the item should be rejected (Henning, 1987).
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[ p. 89 ]
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