Divergence and Convergence, Educating with Integrity: Proceedings of the 7th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference.
May. 10 - 11, 2008. Kyoto, Japan: Doshisha University Shinmachi Campus. (pp. 60 - 72)

Incorporating art into language education

Appendix B:
An original story by one student in Class 2 for the EFL Coloring Activity project

"Three American, Japanese and Chinese people went for a treasure hunt in a deep forest. However, the treasure was not found for days. Besides, they were completely hungry without the food which they brought. A big animal, which they had never seen before appeared suddenly. The Japanese took a lot of photographs of this animal with a camera hastily and began the investigation of the animal. The American fired a gun suddenly and killed the animal. And the Chinese cooked the animal, and began to eat it without being surprised. It was very deliciously cooked. The Japanese exported it all over the world and became rich afterwards. The Chinese built many restaurants, served this food and became rich afterwards. The American ate it too much the dish and gained weight. Now he is crazy about doing a diet."

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