Divergence and Convergence, Educating with Integrity: Proceedings of the 7th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference.
May. 10 - 11, 2008. Kyoto, Japan: Doshisha University Shinmachi Campus. (pp. 60 - 72)

Incorporating art into language education

Appendix D:
Feedback by one student in Class 4 at the beginning, middle and the end of the course

Student: CL9

Theme: myself
September 2007

I expressed gut of my brain. My brain is controlled by materialistic and appetite. I want to eat many delicious foods. I want to get many clothes.

Theme: Sulky Erika Sawajiri not quite big enough to pull off prima donna pouting (article title)
October 2007

This collage's title is "Scandal girls". They are very famous entertainers all over the USA at all times. They offer their interesting topics to all American. For example, shoplifting, traffic accident, drug, divorce, tug-of-love and so on. They enliven gossip magazines too. But contrary to these attention, they attract all American as actress or singer or model or fashion leader. They are recognized as to be first-class entertainers in America. Thier scandal and gossip are picked up on as big news, because they are very popular.

Theme: What I learned and thought about during this course (final project)
January 2008

I'm going to talk about this collage. This title is "The society I live."I read many various articles. Through them, I felt that society is not too good. This collage expresses the present earth and society. This is the earth. The earth is covered with society. Forest are pionner by us. Many high buildings (skyscrapers) are rising quickly. Many cars run on the road and make traffic jam. Those cause to make greenhous gas. So, the earth become global warming. Global worming dissolve Arctic ice. So, polar bear can't live in North Polo. Polar bear float on sea only. Global worming make desert. Plant don't grow in desert. Animal cannot live without plant. We are breaking place Animal live. We are breaking place we live too. This is war. War break our town and many people. War make many greenhous gas. This tower is Japanese Society. It leans like pisa's tower. How Japan is society of difference in wages. This child penguin is me. (Because I'm still child. Child penguin walk on the land slowly. I do someting slowly.) I watched this society and earth through this class. I think we need treasure the earth. I think we need make society the weak can live in. Therefore, I will not use useless power. I study about society and environment more. I will become kind.

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