Communicative assessment in a personal curriculum
at Kanda University of International Studies

Appendix 2: KEPT oral descriptor bands


Based on:
• pronunciation
• intonation
• word blending


Based on:
• automatization
• fillers
• speaking speed


Based on:
• use of morphology
• complexity of syntax (relativization, embedded clauses, parallel structures, connectors)


Based on:
• range of vocab
• appropriacy of vocab

Communicative skills/strategies

Based on:
• interaction
• confidence
• conversational awareness

0 – .5 Very heavy accent, uses Japanese katakana-like phonology and rhythm; words are not blended together Fragments of speech that are so halting that conversation is not really possible; NSS would think person had virtually no English Does not use any discernable grammatical morphology Shows knowledge of only the simplest words and phrases taught in junior high school or beginning high school Shows no awareness of other speakers; may speak, but not in a conversation-like way
1 – 1.5 Somewhat katakana-like pronunciation; does not blend words together - they are pronounced in isolation Slow, strained speech - constant groping for words and long unnatural pauses; communication with a NS is difficult Doesn't have enough grammar to express opinions clearly; makes frequent errors; no attempt at complex grammar Lexis not adequate for task, cannot express opinions properly due to limited vocabulary Does not initiate interaction; produces monologues or very limited some turn-taking; may say, "I agree," without understanding the ideas explained; too nervous to interact effectively
2 – 2.5 May not have mastered some difficult sounds of English, but would be mostly understandable to a naïve NS; makes some attempts to blend words Speech is hesitant; some groping for words and unfilled spaces are present but generally don't impede communication completely Relies mostly on simple (but appropriate) grammar, has enough morphosyntax to express meaning, complex grammar are attempted but may be inaccurate Generally has enough lexis for expressing some opinion but does not demonstrate any particular knowledge of vocabulary Responds to others without long pauses to maintain interaction; shows agreement or disagreement to others' opinions
3 – 3.5 Pronunciation is good but has still not mastered the sound system of English; accent does not interfere with comprehension; can blend words May use some fillers, rarely gropes for words but speech may still not be quick Shows ability to use some complex grammar, may make errors but they are only in late-acquired grammar Shows some evidence of some advanced vocabulary Generally confident, responds appropriately to others opinions, shows ability to negotiate meaning quickly and relatively naturally
4 Speaks with excellent pronunciation and intonation; has practically mastered the sound system of English Excellent fluency, uses fillers effectively, shows ability to speak quickly in short bursts Uses both simple and complex grammar effectively; may make occasional errors but they are only in late-acquired grammar Shows evidence of a wide range of vocabulary knowledge Confident and natural, asks others to expand on views, shows how own and others'ideas are related, interacts smoothly

Note: If a student shows she is consistently fulfilling the criteria being tested, she receives the score at the bottom of the box, whereas if she sometimes achieves the expected level, but sometimes slips to a lower criteria, she is given the score at the top of the box. If a student did not speak enough for you to reliably assign a score for a category, see if you can get them to speak more. If they don't oblige, assign them U as a score for that category.

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