Using the 'Poster Session' Format in L2 Contexts

Appendix 1:

General poster explanation and guidelines to students

A poster presentation is a common way to present information at academic conferences. Many of your instructors may have given a poster presentation at one time or another. In most poster sessions, 4 - 6 posters are placed on display at the same time. Each presenter stands with their poster for 10- 15 minutes. As people come to look at your poster you should:
  1. Allow them time to look over it.
  2. Offer to explain or give examples of parts to your poster.
  3. Offer in-depth information about the poster topic (The poster itself should only have heading-type information anyway).
  4. Encourage and answer questions asked.
  5. Generally involve the poster, the audience and yourself - be friendly and open.
As a viewer/audience you should try to spend time at ALL the posters. After the set time, another group of students will display their poster. In this way you have a chance to see/hear more presentations in a poster session than in regular presentation and be much more involved.

The last point is VERY IMPORTANT - the presenter and poster can ONLY be effective IF THE AUDIENCE gets involved by asking questions and making comments.

The following are some practical guidelines about what a poster should contain:
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