Using the 'Poster Session' Format in L2 Contexts
Appendix 2:
Suggestions for running a mock poster session
As I conducted a mock poster presentation I included, demonstrated and suggested the following:
- There is no clear start and finish; you may be repeating things a number of times.
- Include a greeting and your name.
- Thanks for stopping and a very general one or two sentence introduction to the topic.
- Quick explanation of the organizational features of the poster - sections, visual features, etc.
- (If it is of the 'note-card' structure) Identify two or three sections you will explain.
- Be ready for and offer the chance to ask questions.
- Notice how the group changes (say thanks if you can) and recycle some of the elements above,
perhaps choosing different sections to discuss.
In demonstrating how to effectively use the Poster as presenter I point out the following:
- Stand facing the audience so there is a triangular spatial arrangement - you, poster, audience.
- Talk to the audience, not the poster.
- Point to your poster using a 'touch, turn, talk' procedure (demonstrated)
- Keep eye contact with participants.
In demonstrating how to be a member of the Audience I included:
- Repeated explanation that they are expected to ask questions and that it is polite to do so.
- Reference to my own poster (of which they had A-4 size examples) and asking them questions about
the content and vocabulary. I then had students formulate a question back to me which I then answered
in character as a presenter.
- I opened the floor to questions about my poster.