Investigating student response patterns in a multiple-choice grammar and reading proficiency test

Appendix B: Supplementary Tables

Table 1. Chi-square measures for the grammar test in terms of descending probablity

Test Item # Chi Square Value Degrees of Freedom Probability of random occurance
4 0.139 2 0.932949
25 0.156 2 0.9249
15 0.205 2 0.902751
5 0.216 2 0.897678
10 0.236 2 0.888856
18 0.283 2 0.867916
23 0.318 2 0.852939
24 0.965 2 0.617235
14 1.033 2 0.596642
28 1.088 2 0.580526
27 1.367 2 0.504811
19 1.377 2 0.502252
30 1.806 2 0.405421
26 1.938 2 0.379514
11 1.942 2 0.37872
2 2.069 2 0.355323
6 2.332 2 0.311541
3 2.416 2 0.298862
13 2.947 2 0.229114
1 3.014 2 0.221526
21 3.081 2 0.214264
21 3.081 2 0.214264
20 3.126 2 0.20952
17 3.17 2 0.204998
22 3.32 2 0.190103
12 4.413 2 0.110062
16 5.193 2 0.074536
8 5.548 2 0.062408
29 5.638 2 0.059654
9 6.034 2 0.048955
7 7.547 2 0.022971

Table 2. Fit Statistics of the grammar test items

Negative Fits Positive Fits
Test Item # Fit Statistic Test Item # Fit Statistic
8 -1.069 27 0.156
16 -0.905 18 0.171
24 -0.471 3 0.334
26 -0.44 30 0.42
10 -0.353 4 0.518
22 -0.321 25 0.565
12 -0.319 14 0.643
6 -0.299 5 0.663
11 -0.257 19 0.746
20 -0.245 15 0.807
9 -0.235 23 0.87
7 -0.118 1 0.969
21 1.2
29 1.204
28 1.369
13 1.91
2 1.918
17 1.967

Table 3. Location order of test items in terms of difficulty level

Negative Values Positive Values
Test Item # Location order Test Item # Location order
20 -2.209 15 0.068
3 -1.375 4 0.094
10 -1.331 2 0.101
22 -1.143 8 0.107
16 -0.99 18 0.29
29 -0.794 28 0.294
9 -0.673 7 0.301
1 -0.666 13 0.337
19 -0.256 24 0.371
6 -0.249 26 0.435
25 -0.247 17 0.578
12 -0.085 5 0.583
14 -0.038 23 0.63
21 1.104
27 1.427
30 1.468
11 1.869

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