Preferred complaint strategies in Japanese and English

Appendix 1:

Two complaint situations in English and Japanese

Situation 1: Complaint to a professor

You received your final grades. You were shocked that Professor Naomi Suzuki gave you a C. Her class was one of your favorites and you studied very hard. You got an A on your report, so you don't understand why your final grade was so low. You knock on the door of her office.
S:   Come in.

Japanese version:



Situation 2: Complaint to a roommate

You are sharing an apartment with your friend. Recently, (s)he comes home very late almost every night and makes a lot of noise. You and your friend agreed to be quiet after 11:30 p.m. when you first decided to live together. You've put up with the noise for several days, but tonight you feel you should say something.
Roommate: .....(watching TV).....

Japanese version:


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