Preferred complaint strategies in Japanese and English

Appendix 3:

Inventory of English softeners collected from JE and US groups
(A Partial List)

(N = frequency of occurrences)
Situation: Complaining to a roommate Complaining to a professor
Group: JE N US N JE N US N
You know 2 You know 4 I mean 1 I mean 0
Well 1 Well 0 Well 2 Well 1
Um(m) 0 Um(m) 3 Um(m) 0 Um(m) 1
Uh 0 Uh 1 Oh 1 Uh 1
In fact 1
I think 2 I thought 4 I think 11 I think 2
I don't think 1 I don't think 1 I wonder 1 I wonder 1
I have thought 1 Do you think 5 Do you mind 1 I thought 9
I realize 1 You realize 1 I was hoping 1
What's your deal? 1 I can't get away from feeling 1
Is it cool 1 I don't feel 1
Hedges just 1 just 6 just 2 just 23

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