2nd Peace as a Global Language Conference Proceedings & Supplement

Seven Enviromental Poems & Art Works
by T Newfields

Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4

1. Wronggg Song

Lament environ
mental destructionnn
budd balk at making change

Deplore the spread ahh poverty
budd refuse ta share wealthhh
in equitable wayz

Condemn rampant violenzzze
budd be too busy ta interseed

Gripe bout sexism 'n racism
budd if asked ta take a stand
shrug yer shoulders
& make excuses
bout why ahh . . .
why ahh . . .
yer too buzzzy err ahh . . .
und activism is unlikely
taahh succeed

Invent kountless alibis
fer lazzziness

Kun yawh let yerrr
f bekum a hypooo
crite this ea

Japanese Translation German Translation
Sound File Hear the author read this. Sound File
[452 K /.MP3 file]

Water Cycles - an art work by T Newfields created in June 2002 in Nagoya, Japan
Water Cycles - an art work by T Newfields (June 2002)

[ p. 58 ]

Bleu - an art work by T Newfields begun in December 2000 and finished in March 2003 in Nagoya, Japan
Bleu - an art work by T Newfields (Dec. 2000)

2. Like $hell$?

under water among sea laver
fiddler crabs and trumpet shells
feasting on diatoms
plankton and kelp
this body expanded
and became encased in a shell
with interiors of delicate peach
and lips like watercolors
by Georgia O'Keeffe

One day a fisherman bagged me
then slit me open with a knife
after which
my casing was packaged
shipped and sold
as a trinket
for people
bored to death
with their hollow, shell-like lives

sea shells sell

why worry if
profit for some
suffering for many compels?

why does
compassion seem to whisper
the sound of money yells?

Japanese Translation German Translation
Sound File Hear the author read this poem. Sound File
[432 K /.MP3 file]

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[ p. 59 ]