2nd Peace as a Global Language Conference Proceedings & Supplement

Seven Enviromental Poems & Art Works
by T Newfields

Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4

5. Global Warming

Palm trees in Tokyo
Slopes of Mt. Blanc bare

Tail pipes spewing out toxic waste
Jet planes speeding through the air

Shorelines rising inch by inch
Ice caps shrinking in size

Disease demographics shifting
Mosquitoes & cockroaches thrive

As thermometers break new records
warm blood drips on barbed wires

Welcome ta Kentucky Fried McEarth®
whare thangs ere spicy, hot, 'n
stuck in over-drive!

Welcome ta ah flamin' nightmare –
kreated by fantasies you (and
billions more) desire . . .

Fantasies with price tags
propelling the world's economy

Fantasies saying, "bye! bye!"
to our Earth as we
buy, buy!

Japanese Translation German Translation
Sound File Hear the author read this. Sound File
[528 K /.MP3 file]

Global Warming - an art work by T Newfields
Global Warming - an art work by T Newfields (Oct. 2003)

[ p. 62 ]

In Memory of Alan Hovhaness (1911 - 2000) - an art work by T Newfields
In Memory of Alan Hovhaness (1911 - 2000)
an art work by T Newfields (Apr. 2003)

6. Eco-Creed

Lissen -
Des here planet shelters meny inebriants
nut murely hyman boengs

De oceans are reposatories ov lafe
nut garbuge dumps ar latrunes

Uur forusts arr precoous eco-sestems
nut paper-predating fuktaries

De eir es fell of vibrince
nut a place for smykustacks
ta bilch os dey dam please

We unly burrow the rusources areund us
end ure port ov a Great Ricycling.

Ramembaring thes -
shiuldn't wi wulk mare lightle?

Japanese Translation German Translation
Sound File Hear the author read this. Sound File
[368 K /.MP3 file]

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[ p. 63 ]