2nd Peace as a Global Language Conference Proceedings & Supplement

Seven Enviromental Poems & Art Works
by T Newfields

Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4

3. Hamboogers 'n Raynfurests

Yep! You can drive up to your local rain for
est and order a juicy fresh sirloin chemically pre
served Big-TexTM maid from multi-acre bull
dozed jungles 'n fast-growing genetically en
gineered organisms in any of the synthetic flavors you love.

In no time we'll de
liver a mouth-watering
pre-wrapped, agro-chemical del
icacy to yer plate.

Glory ta gluttony
and dah lust fer beef!

Glory ta our economic system which brings starvation ta millions
but juicccy boogers ta yaw 'n me!

Dig into dah munchy taste of de
cadence 'n savor dah subtle flavors of eco
nomic exploitation & environ
mental rape!

Mmmm! Yum yum!
Eat yerself ta oblivion, buddy -
but jes don't belch this waaaaaaaaay . . .

Japanese Translation German Translation
Sound File Hear the author read this. Sound File
[460 K /.MP3 file]

Diatoms - an art work by T Newfields created in June 2002 in Nagoya, Japan
Diatoms - an art work by T Newfields (June 2002)

[ p. 60 ]

Aqua - an art work by T Newfields created in May 2001 in Nagoya, Japan
Aqua - an art work by T Newfields (May 2001)

4. Boundaries of Apathy

Encountering a few discarded kuns
it'z eazy ta take them ta a recycling stand
Yet whin kunfrunted with vast amounts ah waste
moist people shrug their shoulders & think
"The problem 'z too great."

Small amounts ah litter
take little effurt ta kollect
yet whin hurizons argh filled with refuse
moist people wondaah
"Won't sumbody else klear this mess?"

Kumin' akruss a few people in need
charity iz nut such a difficult deed
yet whin façed with large-scale hunger
how temptin' it iz ta turn numb.

Though mony ah the world's prubrims
seem too big ta façe
the boundaries ah our apathy
reveal how our conscience
iz really placed.

Japanese Translation German Translation
Sound File Hear the author read this. Sound File
[464 K /.MP3 file]

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[ p. 61 ]