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PanSIG Journal: Advice Regarding Submissions

The following advice is taken from the submission guidelines at the JALT Conference Proceedings submission page and is good advice to follow for these proceedings as well.

The Proceedings editors welcome all submissions and encourage a wide range of viewpoints in the papers. That said, time and editorial limitations make it impossible to accept all submitted papers. Major factors in successfully completing the selection process include adherence to guidelines, as well as clarity and appropriateness for the intended audience. Authors are urged to:

  • Have papers read by at least two supportive readers. Experience shows this is a useful way for authors to acquire and maintain a good sense of audience and focus.
  • Avoid lengthy introductions and extensive bibliographical reviews; references should be used to support the smooth development of the text only.
  • Clarify the main points with examples and/or details. Ask peer readers to check whether everything is sufficiently clear and elaborated in the text.
  • Give papers a clear sense of voice: i.e., write in a direct and personalized style, where the imagined reader is an interested, but critically minded teacher.

Also, if you give yourself enough time, you could contact the JALT Writers Peer Support Group (PSG), which can "help you organize your writing and provide feedback on areas that can use more development, more research or possibly less information."