
Self Access Learning Center (SALC) Showcase at PanSIG

Introducing the brand new Showcase presentation format

This year, JALT is introducing a new presentation format called the "showcase." This is a one-time special presentation format designed to support the theme of PanSIG 2025, Agency and Autonomy in Language Learning. PanSIG 2025 is being held at KUIS, home to the largest SALC in Japan. Thanks to this and this year's theme we decided to introduce this new style highlighting Self Access Learning Centers (SALCs) from all around Japan and even one from Mexico. Come join us to learn about SALCs from the following universities:

  • Reitaku University
  • Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University
  • Chiba University
  • Hirosaki University
  • Sojo University
  • Saitama University
  • Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences
  • Otemon Gakuin University
  • Ritsumeikan University
  • Soka University
  • and specially invited all the way from Mexico, The National Autonomous University of Mexico