

PanSIG is proud to announce the names of our two plenary speakers for PanSIG 2024:

  • Daniel R. Isbell (ハワイ大学マノアの校第二言語学科、助教授)
  • Yui Suzukida / Research Fellow at ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン; 鈴木田優衣 (順天堂大学の医学部(東京)非常勤講師)

Daniel R. Isbell

Assistant Professor, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Hype and High-Tech Language Tests: Staying Grounded with Language Assessment Fundamentals 

AI, Automated scoring, chatbots, computer adaptive test delivery, remote proctoring: Technology has transformed language testing, accelerated in recent years by both necessity and major advances in capabilities. While advanced technology is often associated with large-scale, high-stakes tests (e.g., Isbell & Kremmel, 2020), technology is also expanding possibilities for local testing programs (e.g., Green & Lung, 2021) and classroom-based, learning-oriented assessment (e.g., Jeon, 2023). Technology in assessment is exciting and comes with grand promises from developers, but it is also overwhelming – how can language professionals, most of whom are not programmers or machine learning engineers, keep up with every new development?

Fortunately, evaluating and responsibly using high-tech tests and other types of assessments does not require expertise in computer science. Rather, practitioners can draw on basic, fundamental concepts in assessment, including validity, fairness, practicality, and justice, to make informed decisions. In this talk, I will discuss major technological advances in language assessment, ranging from automated scoring for speaking to AI-assisted remote proctoring, and what information to look for and expect from test developers and technology providers. By reaffirming assessment fundamentals, teachers can cut through the hype and develop a grounded perspective on high-tech assessments.

Daniel R. Isbell, Assistant Professor in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, is an expert in language assessment and testing, and serves on the editorial boards of TESOL Quarterly and Language Testing.

リンク: (旧ツイッター)@Daniel_R_Isbell | ResearchGate | 個人ウェブサイト

鈴木田優衣 (Yui Suzukida)

Research Fellow at ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン; 鈴木田優衣 (順天堂大学の医学部(東京)非常勤講師)

Exploring the Influence of Cognitive and Sociopsychological Factors on Second Language Speech Learning

Ever wondered why some language learners effortlessly master a new language while others struggle? In this session, we are going to explore the various factors that are playing roles in learning to speak foreign languages to answer this question especially in terms of speaking foreign languages. I'll start with an overview of past research, where experts have investigated the individual differences among language learners. From the impact of classroom instruction to learners' mind, we will explore the key factors that contribute to becoming better communicators and reducing foreign accents, from the impact of classroom instruction to the learners' mindset.

Then, I will also share my personal project regarding learners' individual differences and their profound impact on the development of second language speech. I'll also introduce the 'L2SpeechTools' repository, a useful resource developed by my team and me to aid language instructors and researchers in enhancing language learning, along with my other ongoing projects related to individual differences in leaners' abilities to self-assess their performance.

Yui Suzukida is an expert in L2 pronunciation and speech production and perception.

リンク: (旧ツイッター)@Szkda89 | ResearchMap | ResearchGate

PanSIG 2023 Plenary Speakers