
Information for Presenters at PanSIG 2025

NOTE: These pages have not yet been fully updated for PanSIG 2025. PanSIG 2025 presenters must register by April 10th

Pages of interest:

  • Logos for presenters: Use a PanSIG logo and JALT logo on your poster or slides.
  • Interactive Poster Presentation Advice If you're giving a poster presentation, this page could be very helpful.
  • PanSIG Journal call for papers: All vetted presentations and forum presentations at PanSIG 2025 will be invited to submit a paper based on their presentation for publication in the 2025 PanSIG Journal. This process will start after the conference, but it's not too late to begin working on your paper ahead of the CFP announcement.
  • WiFi availability TBA

Preparing your presentation:

Because of the nature of the PanSIG, which is a gathering of about 25+ different special interest groups (SIGs) of JALT, we hope that not only will your presentation find a welcoming audience among the SIG it is related to, but also your presentation will also give ideas to members of other SIGs, encouraging an exchange of ideas and creating a network that will help you, the presenter, the SIGs that take part and ultimately, the larger organization, JALT. 

Note that we're not encouraging you do "dumb it down" for a general audience, as PanSIG is a conference of people highly into specific areas; we are merely asking you to explain your terms, and to show some professional courtesy to experts from other specialities. Be prepared, though, to also scaffold the novices to your area; we're a welcoming and friendly conference, where sometimes mentors meet mentees, and earnest beginners actually have a chance to level up during the weekend.