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Call for Papers 2025: Volume 11

All vetted presentations at PanSIG 2025 are invited to submit a paper based on their presentation for publication in the PanSIG Journal. All full article submissions must be made via Indico, the conference submission system.

In the same way that presentations were vetted prior to the conference, journal papers from the conference will also be subject to peer review. Since 2020, we have adopted a policy of peer review, where each submitting author will likely review up to two PanSIG Journal submissions. Note that publishing in the PanSIG Journal qualifies as a refereed publication. 

We therefore encourage all presenters to submit a paper and to begin preparing their manuscripts as soon as they receive confirmation of their presentation. Early preparation and submission will help ensure a smooth review and publication process.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2025
  • Review Stage: August to mid September 2025
  • Announcement of Acceptance: End of September 2025
  • Submission of Revised Manuscripts: October 2025
  • Target Date of Publication: December 2025 ~ January 2026

General Guidelines

  • Submissions should be no longer than 4,500 words, excluding the title, abstracts, references and appendices. Papers exceeding 4,500 words will not be considered for publication and submissions under 2,500 words are unlikely to be accepted. Please limit appendices to a maximum of three pages.
  • Papers should be either research-based or practice-oriented. Submissions must discuss the author's research or a classroom teaching technique. Papers that consist solely of extended literature reviews will not be accepted. Please consult the journal guidelines for these two types of papers.
  • All submissions must align with the focus areas of one of the JALT Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Articles falling outside the scope of the SIGs will not be considered for publication.
  • All manuscripts are first reviewed by an editor to ensure they comply with the journal's formatting requirements and APA 7th Edition guidelines.
  • Papers considered for publication will then be subjected to blind review by at least two readers.

Specific Guidelines

Practice-based Articles

  • Practice papers must describe experiences, methods, or innovative techniques that have been implemented in a real-world educational setting. Submissions should clearly explain the teaching context and purpose of the approach, highlighting how it was applied in practice.
  • Theoretical proposals or literature-reviewed methodologies will not be accepted. While brief references to relevant literature may help contextualize the practice, articles should focus on classroom application and teacher reflection rather than theoretical discussion.
  • These papers must not include data analysis or empirical research. Instead, they should aim to inform and inspire fellow practitioners, offering insights, reflections, and practical takeaways. The emphasis should be on what was done, why it was done, what worked (or didn’t), and what others might learn from the experience.

Research-based Articles

  • Research papers may follow any recognized research methodology, including qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approaches, as long as the method is appropriate to the research question and is clearly described. Authors should ensure the methodological choices are well-justified and coherently applied.
  • Tables, figures, and graphs must present data clearly, accurately, and concisely, and should only include information directly relevant to the research questions and findings. Avoid presenting data that is not discussed or that does not contribute meaningfully to the study’s goals. Not all data needs to be described in the text—to prevent redundancy, do not repeat information already visible in a table or figure. Instead, the text should highlight and interpret key trends, patterns, or major results that support the argument or analysis.