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PanSIG Journal: How to Submit

You can submit your papers via email (click here). Please note that due to the large number of papers to be processed, incomplete submissions (e.g., lacking translated abstracts or necessary graphics), incorrectly formatted submissions (see the style guide for instructions about how to format your submission), or excessively long papers will NOT be considered for inclusion. Please read the instructions below to ensure that you submit your manuscript correctly.

When submitting your paper make sure you include these four elements:

  1. Your manuscript this is the article as you wrote it with author names and affiliations included. This is not the copy that will be sent for peer review and will be treated as a supplementary file. It should include the author name(s) and institutional affiliation.
  2. One copy of the manuscript for peer review with all graphics, charts, and tables included or clearly indicated and all names, affiliations and identifying information removed throughout the text. This is the file that will be sent to the peer reviewers to evaluate your paper. Make sure this document includes both an English and a Japanese version of your abstract.
  3. If existing, all graphics and charts in their native format (e.g., Excel, jpg, png) as separate, clearly labeled files, to be submitted as supplementary files.
  4. A signed copy of the copyright form.

When you are submitting your files make sure they are in the correct format and correctly named.

  • Both copies of your manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file. (Please contact us in advance if you intend to submit in a different format.)
  • The main copy of your paper (the one that will be used for peer review) should be saved as a Microsoft Word documents with the following file name "PanSIG2024_(your family name).docx".
  • The second copy of your manuscript should saved with the following file name "PanSIG2024_(your family name)_anonymized.docx".
  • All of the figures in your article should be submitted in their native format (e.g., Excel, jpg, png) as separate, clearly labeled files. These should be labeled "PanSIG2024_(your family name)_Figure#" in the order they appear in your paper. For example, "PanSIG2024_Smith_Figure1.jpg".

Note: It is the responsibility of the writer(s) to provide an accurate translation (in Japanese) of the abstract.

One writer must complete the copyright form and email it or post it to the editors at the time of submission. We must receive this form before we can proceed with any submission. This can be downloaded from the copyright form page.

You can submit your papers via email (click here).

Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged as soon as possible.