
Recruiting for 2023 PanSIG Journal Editor

Dear fellow JALT members,

This is Patrick Conaway, the editor of the PanSIG Journal. My assistant editor, Duncan Iske and I are compiling the post-conference publication for PanSIG 2022. Due to growing administrative duties at my school, I will need to step down as editor for the 2023 PanSIG Journal.

If you are interested in developing your academic writing skills, please consider volunteering as the PanSIG Journal editor. Normally we can only see finished articles, but as editor you have a chance to see initial drafts, advice from reviewers, and revisions. There were many chances to see how others dealt with the same difficulties that I had as a writer as well as see examples of writing that I would like to aspire to. Reading authors' responses to reviewer advice and seeing how the submissions develop is so exciting.

Besides learning about academic writing, the editor gets to know all of the authors over the course of the year. The authors submitting to the PanSIG Journal come from the full range of SIGs in JALT, and this is an excellent chance to build connections with people who you might not meet otherwise, and open your eyes to fresh areas of research and practice.

Although I will be stepping down, Duncan Iske, the assistant editor, will be continuing as assistant editor and is familiar with all of the procedures and files used for creating the PanSIG Journal. We have already created rubrics to guide authors and reviewers as well as a nifty Excel tool for matching authors with reviewers. Also, I will still be involved in JALT and be available to help out the new editor from time to time.

The responsibilities of PanSIG Journal Editor include:


  1. Publicizing the call for papers (with help from the publicity chair)
  2. Collecting submissions


  1. Sending submissions out to reviewers
  2. Checking the quality of reviews


  1. Sending reviews to authors
  2. Checking revisions / asking for additional revisions


  1. Compiling submissions into one document
  2. Proofreading
  3. Uploading to the PanSIG website

If you are interested, please contact the PanSIG Journal today.