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Registration and Fees

Save money by joining JALT or renewing your membership:

For on-site registration, we accept cash, all major credit cards, PayPay and cashless payments.

Registration is not yet open -- we plan to open it March 20th

Conference Fees 2025

PanSIG 2025 Conference in Chiba
(March 20 - May 7)
Presenters must register 
by April 10th
On-site registration
JALT members11,500 yen15,000 yen
Non-JALT members15,500 yen19,000 yen
Students & Seniors (JALT members)*4,000 yen6,000 yen
Students & Seniors (non-JALT members)**6,500 yen8,000 yen

* Students (JALT members) are either JALT student members, or JALT members who are full-time students with proof of student status, such as a valid student ID. Seniors (JALT members) are JALT members who will be 65 or older on May 16th, 2025.

** Students (non-JALT members) must be full-time students with proof of student status, such as a valid student ID. Seniors (non-JALT members) are those who will be 65 or older on May 24th, 2024, and not a member of JALT at that time.